Understanding the Differences Between V-Line Surgery and Feminizing Jaw Surgery is Critical.
The Gender-Specific Differences of Male and Female Jaws
Typically, the male jaw is wider and taller than the female jaw. Men tend to have wider, heavier-set jawlines with a flatter base and a sharper angle between the chin and jaw. This gives the male jawline a prominent “square” look. Women’s jawlines typically have rounded edges, are more tapered and pointed.
“Asian” V-Line Jaw Surgery vs. Feminizing Jaw Surgery
Many of our patients who are considering undertaking facial confirmation surgery to feminize the face, often mistakenly think that they need “Asian” V-Line surgery for the jaw when what is actually needed is feminizing jaw surgery — otherwise known as FFS-specific jaw contouring or jaw tapering.
What is the difference between “Asian” V-Line Jaw Surgery and Jaw Tapering?
V-Line jaw surgery typically works to narrow the jawline and bring it forward. This procedure is typically ideal for women who have an overly-square jawline and want a more feminine, streamlined appearance to the jaw and the chin. This tactic, however, doesn’t work to feminize a male’s face because typically a male face is taller or longer, so a V-Line procedure would only make the face appear more elongated. In the case of a male transitioning into a female, what is really needed is jaw contouring surgery to shape the jaw into a more feminine aspect as well as a vertical reduction genioplasty (shortening the height of the chin). In comparison, a V-Line procedure commonly should not reduce the vertical height of the chin as that would run counter to the intended appearance.
If the face to be feminized is overly long, a condition that is known as vertical maxillary excess or “long face syndrome”, we may also recommend surgical correction via a jaw surgery procedure known as the Le Fort Osteotomy I.
Read more about Long Face Syndrome and Facial Feminization here.
Dr. Deschamps-Braly is a board-certified plastic and craniofacial surgeon specializing in facial plastic surgery, orthognathic (jaw) surgery, and craniofacial surgery for adults and children. He is also one of the world’s foremost leaders and innovators in facial gender confirmation surgery.