What is Forehead Reduction or Hairline Lowering Surgery?
Forehead reduction, or hairline lowering as it is also known, aims to reduce the height of the forehead. This procedure is ideal for both men and women who feel that they have a very high hairline and/or a large forehead. The overall objective of forehead reduction is to reduce the amount of space between the eyebrows and the hairline.
Who is a Suitable Candidate for Forehead Reduction?
Forehead reduction is often recommended for individuals who may be suffering from a receding or too-high hairline. Suitable for both men and women, the procedure involves the lowering of the patient’s hairline using surgery to eliminate the appearance of baldness.
(NOTE: This treatment is not for individuals who are actively experiencing natural hair loss – those patients are good candidates for medical treatments designed to prevent or slow hair loss.)

Read Our Book
The wait is over! Dr. Deschamps-Braly’s new book “Facial Feminization Surgery: The Journey to Gender Affirmation” is back and available now. This second edition covers the advances in facial feminization as well as helpful patient stories and is a great resource for FFS patients and their loved ones.
LEARN MOREWhat is the Difference between Forehead Reduction and Hairline Grafting?
Hairline grafting is generally used to treat receding hairlines in men and women. As part of the surgery, the patient’s hairline (on the forehead) area is “lowered,” using surgery, eliminating the appearance of baldness. As part of this process, hair follicles are taken from the back or sides of the patient’s scalp and then grafted to the front hairline area, where they will then grow back naturally as they did at the donor site.
How is Forehead Reduction Surgery Performed?
Your surgeon will make a small incision all along the natural hairline. The hair-bearing tissue is then moved forward and sutured into its new lower position. In most cases, there is only a very minimal, barely imperceptible scar at the hairline.

What does Recovery look like Post-Op?
There is very little post-surgery pain associated with hairline restoration surgery. The most common side effect is slight facial swelling, generally in the forehead and eye area. Most often this is not painful, but may require up to 7 days for it to subside completely. Because of this, many patients will take a week off from work, but can return to light activities after 2 or 3 days and normal activity level after a week. Patients may experience temporary, harmless numbness at the front of the scalp, which generally subsides after a few weeks.
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