What is the Difference between a Temple Lift and a Brow Lift?
A brow lift (also known as browplasty) is a procedure that is used to correct forehead wrinkles, frown lines, furrows between the eyebrows, and sagging eyebrows by lifting the entire eyebrow and forehead area.
In comparison, a temple lift is a much less invasive procedure that lifts only the outside corner, or “tail” of the brow, which is located on the temple (the lateral forehead). It does not alter the middle of the brow or forehead area at all. It also has the effect of lifting the cheek tissues and helping to alleviate sagging at the corner of the eyes.
Depending on your facial features, a brow lift can give the eyes a more open and youthful appearance without looking like you have “had work done.” The temple lift is a subtle yet powerful procedure that brightens the eyes and results in an elegant and youthful shape to the brow.
Who is an Ideal Candidate for a Temple Lift?
The temple lift is recommended for those who may have drooping brows or “hooded” eyelids due to the natural aging process resulting in a sad or worried expression, but who are otherwise happy with the rest of their forehead. In fact, a sagging temple is a much more common sign of aging than a sagging brow, making a temple lift an ideal procedure for most people who are seeking minimally-invasive facial rejuvenation.
For example, if you are already using Botox® to rejuvenate your forehead and brow area, you may only need to lift the outside corners of your brow for a significantly more youthful looking appearance.

Read Our Book
The wait is over! Dr. Deschamps-Braly’s new book “Facial Feminization Surgery: The Journey to Gender Affirmation” is back and available now. This second edition covers the advances in facial feminization as well as helpful patient stories and is a great resource for FFS patients and their loved ones.
LEARN MOREHow is a Temple Lift Performed?
A temple lift involves making a bilateral temporal incision within the hair above the ear so that scarring is virtually invisible. The underlying tissue is then raised upwards, tightened, and any “crow’s feet” lines leading out of the corners of the eyes are also smoothed out and softened. The skin is then tightened, any excess is trimmed, and the incision is sutured closed.

What does Recovery Look Like?
Your sutures are removed within 7 to 10 days after the procedure. Because the sutures are hidden entirely within the hair, you will be able to return to work well before they are removed.