Jack Jones

“Yeah, a few things come to mind here. I believe aesthetics, employing the ethics of care, and using empirical evidence are crucial principles when applying them to patient care and medicine. Empirical evidence stands out as a monumental philosophical principle in this context. In medicine, we rely on evidence-based practice to enhance our critical thinking […]

Philosophy of Decision Making

Jack Jones

“Dr. Deschamps-Braly is incredibly approachable. He appreciates my medical opinions and knowledge on certain things. He even asks me questions at times. Our collaboration is truly with a capital “C.” I love that aspect of working here, something I felt was lacking in my previous roles. In my previous positions, it often felt like providers […]

How is Collaboration Encouraged?

Jack Jones

“I need to take time for myself; that’s crucial. It’s essential in any career, any job, or any part of your life. Being able to pause, reflect on your life is necessary. You’re changing the lives of others and being a part of their healthcare journey. But it’s equally important not to let that weigh […]

An Inside Perspective: The Emotional Weight of Helping Patients

Jack Jones

“Great question. In the world of medicine, especially now, with these large hospitals, big academic centers, and extensive facilities within large hospital systems, they do a decent job when it comes to patient care. However, I believe that in a private practice setting, you experience a more patient-centered approach. This is because your patient population […]

Smaller Vs. Larger Medical Centers

Jack Jones

“Yeah, there are a few stories I can share with you. I’ve had a variety of patient interactions that have been profoundly meaningful and hold a special place in my heart. For instance, there was a patient I was caring for in the hospital during my previous job. Surprisingly, no family members or friends came […]

The Need For Empathy In Medicine

Jack Jones

“The operating room can be an intimidating place; it’s not for everyone. It is a very detail-oriented environment, from the components of anesthesia to the operation itself. It’s like a dance; you don’t want to step on anyone’s toes. So, you have to learn the dance; otherwise, it doesn’t work. Of course, there’s a learning […]

Growth From The Operating Room

Jack Jones

“I think, as a PA, you get to do a lot in the realm of medicine. You get to see patients, come up with your treatment plans, diagnose, and form relationships with your patients. That stems from collaborating with your attending and/or supervising physician. So, that collaboration, in and of itself, like being able to […]

How does the collaboration of the P.A. contribute to patient care quality?

Jack Jones