Kybella® treatment is a non-surgical, injectable treatment for reducing the fat that creates what is known as a “double chin.” The active ingredient is a synthetic version of a naturally-occurring molecule called deoxycholic acid — a molecule that breaks down fat — most specifically the type of fat contained within submental fullness — the fat that produces a double chin.
Why is it necessary to “Revise” a previous Kybella® Treatment?
Sometimes, depending on the skills and expertise (or lack thereof) of your provider, a Kybella® treatment may not go as planned and your expectations may not be met. As for any surgical or non-surgical cosmetic procedure, there are always variables. However, these variables, along with medical risks, are reduced by ensuring that your provider is highly trained and properly certified to administer Kybella® treatment. If in doubt, ask them to show you their certification.
At the beginning of your treatment session, your provider will place an “injection template” under your chin to map out the exact location for placement of injections. An unskilled provider may place this template in the wrong place, which means that either the Kybella® will not work at all, or the results may be uneven, or asymmetrical compared to the rest of your face. Among other reasons why you may want to revise a previous Kybella® treatment is that you completed a series of treatments but the result was not as significant as expected, or you may have had some weight gain and some fat may have returned to the area.
Kybella® Dissolves Fat, Not Remove Loose Skin
If your initial problem was actually loose skin under the chin, rather than an excess of fat, an unskilled or unqualified provider may have not recognized this, and recommended Kybella in error. This may result in the loose skin still being evident and the solution may actually be a liposuction or surgical neck lift treatment.
What are the risks of receiving a Kybella® Treatment from an unqualified provider?
Always choose a qualified and trained Kybella® provider because there are significant medical risks if Kybella® is not administered by a highly trained professional. For some, an unsuccessful treatment may simply be a mild nuisance; they paid for a treatment that had no significant result. However, to others, a Kybella® treatment from an unskilled provider may result in permanent — and irreversible — nerve and/or muscle damage. Side effects of improperly administered Kybella® may include permanent facial muscle weakness, nerve injury to the jaw, or a lopsided smile.
The Art of Choosing the Right Kybella® Provider
The art of a successful Kybella® treatment lies in understanding and appreciating the overall facial aesthetic: how the chin sits within the ‘landscape’ of the other facial features. A successful Kybella® treatment will depend on your practitioner knowing how much chin fat to remove, and where to remove it from, to ensure an aesthetically-pleasing result.
If I need a revision Kybella® Treatment, how many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments you’ll need will be dependent on the previous work completed and your desired outcome. At your initial consultation, your aesthetic nurse will outline a Kybella® treatment program and recommend a customized treatment plan. One of the positives of using Kybella® to reduce chin fat is that it is an incremental approach to double chin fat reduction. This means that you can gradually reduce your double chin until you get the result you’re happy with. Most people need 3 treatment sessions at monthly intervals, however you will notice significant results after 2 treatments. Most of our patients are extremely satisfied with the results of Kybella® because it permanently removes the fat cells under the chin, and therefore the results of treatment will last for years.
Read more about the Kybella® injectable treatment for reduction of “double chin” fat here.
Who performs the Kybella® Revision procedure?
Kybella® revision injections are performed by Jennifer Fick, FNP-C, CANS, a board-certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist. You can read more about Jennifer here or on her own website. Dr. Deschamps-Braly is on hand to consult in more complex cases if necessary.