Revision or Corrective Surgery

Revision or Corrective Surgery

Some of the more frequent requests we hear from our patients is to perform corrective or ‘revision’ surgery to improve upon a previous surgeon’s work. The majority of our revision surgeries fall under three categories:

  1. Corrective Plastic Surgery
  2. Corrective Craniofacial Aesthetic Aurgery
  3. Corrective Non-Invasive / Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

1. Corrective Plastic Surgery

Facelift and Necklift Revision: Patients with a less than satisfactory facelift from a previous plastic surgeon may feel that they’re in worse condition than they were before they had the initial surgery. The good news is that most facelifts can be improved upon via corrective facelift and necklift surgery. Read more about corrective facelifts here.

Revision Rhinoplasty (Corrective Nasal Surgery): Corrective rhinoplasty is one of the most common of all the  “revision” plastic surgeries that we perform. This is because it is one of the most difficult of all plastic surgery procedures to begin with, so there is a large demand for corrective secondary surgeries. Read more about revision rhinoplasty here.

Eyelid Revision Surgery (Blepharoplasty Revision): If you have had previous blepharoplasty surgery but you’re not satisfied, you may want to consider eyelid revision surgery to correct any defects or unwanted disfiguration of the eyelids. The eye area is very delicate and in constant movement, therefore there are many critical considerations to take into account when deciding on a treatment plan. Read more about Blepharoplasty revision here.

Lip Rejuvenation – revision procedures: Some patients find that they are unhappy with the results of their initial lip rejuvenation procedure because of “over filled” or “puffy” lips, lumps, uneven texture, and asymmetries (one side of the lip is larger than the other). Depending on the shape of your lips and your desired results your surgeon will make a recommendation to use one, or a combination of techniques. Read more about Lip Rejuvenation revision procedures here.

Revision Ear Surgery (Otoplasty Correction): Ear shape is a highly personal issue. As with any plastic surgery, it is quite common that patients may sometimes feel the need to revise the initial procedure. This is even more the case with otoplasty because it is often performed on children and as they change and grow into adults it may be necessary to reexamine the results of the procedure. Read more about Otoplasty Correction here.

Fat Transfer (Fat Grafting) Revision: Some patients will travel to ‘third-world’ countries to save on the cost of the procedure, but often return home with an unsatisfying result. Fat grafting revision surgery can improve a previous botched procedure and corrects any poorly-applied fat transfer, or synthetic facial filler, and delivers a more natural, favorable result. Read more about Fat Grafting Revision surgery here.

2. Corrective Craniofacial Aesthetic Surgery:

“Asian” V-Line (Jaw Reduction) Revision: This procedure creates an elegant V-shaped contour of the jaw and chin. However, if not performed correctly by an experienced, US Board Certified surgeon, the results can vary, leaving patients unhappy with the results. Read more about “Asian” V-Line revision surgery here.

Revision Genioplasty (Chin Surgery): Chin revision surgery is one of the most common procedures we perform. Typically this is because the previous surgeon has inserted a chin implant, and this approach has not been successful and the chin needs correcting. Read more about Revision Genioplasty here.

Jaw Surgery Revision: The term “jaw surgery” refers to a range of orthognathic procedures including common jaw surgeries such as: lower jaw surgery, double jaw surgery, and bite correction. Sometimes the while the initial jaw surgery was successful in fixing the technical problems with a patient’s bite, the aesthetic outcome maybe a jaw that’s either too masculine or too feminine. Read more about Jaw Surgery revision here.

Skull Reshaping revision: Correction of skull reshaping surgery is quite common — about 15% of our skull reshaping procedures are revision surgeries wherein we are asked to correct a previous surgeon’s work. The larger in scale of the skull reshaping procedure, the greater the chance for an unsatisfactory result and the need for revision. Read more about skull reshaping revision surgery here.

Feminization (FFS) revision: Typically a mix of plastic surgery and craniofacial aesthetic procedures, it is quite common for our patients to ask us about revising a previous surgeon’s FFS work. The reason for this is most commonly because although a surgeon may have the technical know-how to perform feminization surgery, they may be lacking the ability to capture authentic gender expression. Read more about FFS revision surgery here.

3. Corrective Non-invasive / Non-surgical Cosmetic Procedures:

Kybella Injections for “double chin” treatment – revision procedure: Depending on the skills — or lack thereof — of your provider, a Kybella® treatment may not go as planned and your expectations may not be met. The results may be uneven, or asymmetrical compared to the rest of your face. Read more about corrective Kybella® treatments here.

Botox® and/or Dysport® Injections revision: These two popular muscle relaxants are used for not only smoothing out wrinkles, but also to relieve painful migraine headaches, and also to alleviate severe sweating (hyperhidrosis). Most often repeat treatments are required either due to a poorly placed injections with unwanted results, or, simply that your previous treatment has worn off. Read more about Botox® and/or Dysport® revision injections here.

Dermal Fillers (Restylane®) revision: Most dermal fillers last between 6-12 months or longer, depending on the facial area treated. So typically the main reason to repeat a dermal filler treatment is because the initial treatment has simply worn off over time. However, sometimes the dermal filler may not have been placed in the right position, or too much filler was used. The good news is that dermal fillers are reversible, so you don’t need to wait to correct a previous procedure. Read more about revising Dermal Filler treatments here.

Masseter Muscle Reduction revision using Botox® or Dysport®: The art and skill of injecting Botox® into the masseter muscle requires an in-depth knowledge of the structure and functions of craniofacial anatomy, and also an aesthetic “eye” to ensure that the level of reduction works in harmony with other facial features. If your provider is unqualified and Botox® or Dysport® are not injected into the masseter correctly you may need a revision procedure. Read more about Masseter Muscle Reduction revision here.