How Can Chin Implants Make a Face Look More Masculine? 

A strong, well-defined chin is one of the features most strongly associated with masculinity, as evidenced by popular celebrities in the media. Implants are one way to augment the chin and create a more masculine profile, but other options with fewer risks will also be considered. Here’s what patients should know about chin implants and how Dr. Deschamps-Braly might utilize different tools and techniques as part of their gender-affirming procedure.

How Do Chin Implants Work?

Chin implants are typically made from a silicone mold that is fitted over the existing bone and under the chin. These implants give the chin more projection and definition, which can help square the jawline and renew facial harmony and balance with other facial features. Although chin implants can be useful in some patients with weak or underdeveloped chins, Dr. Deschamps-Braly has found these implants to be potentially problematic. Even under his expert care, there are risks of the implant shifting, being rejected by the body, or damaging the nerves inside and around the mouth. 

Alternative Chin Augmentation Procedures

Dr. Deschamps-Braly is a world-renowned craniofacial surgeon and leader in gender-affirming surgery. He believes that a more natural approach to masculinizing chin augmentation, instead of synthetic implants, can offer patients the best possible results. Rather than using chin implants, the patient’s bones can be moved, repositioned, and held in place with biologically compatible titanium screws to set the chin forward. Although incisions are made inside the mouth to access the jaw structure, pre-surgery 3D imaging will be used to make sure there is no interference with the roots of the teeth or facial nerves.

What Procedures Can be Combined with Chin Augmentation?

Jaw augmentation is often combined with chin augmentation to enhance the overall look of the jawline, creating a wider, more squared appearance. In some cases, options like facial liposuction can also help define the chin and get rid of submental fat. Depending on each patient’s unique features, it may be beneficial to undergo rhinoplasty at the same time to further balance the facial profile. Together, these options can create a more masculine look that restores or improves facial harmony.

The Benefits of Choosing Dr. Deschamps-Braly for Chin Augmentation

Although chin implants are becoming a more popular option for patients who want to achieve a more masculine look, it’s essential to choose the most experienced and trained facial plastic surgeon for your chin augmentation procedure. Dr. Deschamps-Braly is one of the foremost facial masculinization surgeons in the world and can offer an experienced, professional opinion on the best way to create a more masculine look. He also has specialized training in orthognathic (jaw) surgery and can ensure a great aesthetic result while protecting the structure and function of the jaw. 

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Deschamps-Braly is a world-class, board-certified facial plastic surgeon and leading expert in facial masculinization surgeries. To meet with our team and learn more about chin augmentation, implants, and the best options for your goals, contact our San Francisco office by calling or filling out our online form.

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Dr. Deschamps-Braly is a board-certified plastic and craniofacial surgeon specializing in facial plastic surgery, orthognathic (jaw) surgery, and craniofacial surgery for adults and children. He is also one of the world’s foremost leaders and innovators in facial gender confirmation surgery.