Corrective Chin Surgery
Chin surgery (genioplasty or mentoplasty) involves altering the shape of the chin by reducing, reshaping, or augmenting its size. There are many options available, including moving the chin forward or down, or widening or narrowing it, in relation to the patient’s facial features and preferences. Corrective chin surgery is necessary when a primary surgical procedure was unsuccessful in achieving its goals.
Why Is It Sometimes Necessary to Correct a Previous Surgeon’s Chin Surgery?
Chin revision surgery may be necessary if a patient is unhappy with the results of their initial procedure. In fact, chin revision surgery is one of the most common procedures we perform, often because the previous surgeon has inserted a chin implant, and this approach has not been successful and the chin needs correcting. For example, some patients may not feel that their chin was tapered or softened enough during their first cosmetic operation. It is also common for patients undergoing Facial Feminization Surgery to have chin revision surgery performed but not be happy with how their new chin is positioned in relations to their other facial features.
What Specific Problems Necessitate Chin Revision Surgery?
Although chin implants are commonly used in chin surgery (genioplasty), we believe there are better alternatives available, and typically do not advise our patients to use an implant to change the shape of their chins. Not only do chin implants increase the risk of infection or rejection, the results often look unnatural and unbalanced with other facial features. With high-volume experience in craniofacial and plastic surgery, Dr. Deschamps-Braly avoids placing a foreign object into the body whenever possible.

What Makes a Beautiful Chin?
Because the chin is such a distinct facial feature, it is critical that it remains in balance with the entire facial structure. Chin surgery is intended to soften or strengthen the look of the chin in relation to other facial features. This is where it is critical for your surgeon to possess understanding of the visual balance of a traditionally beautiful face. While many surgeons may have the technical skills to perform chin surgery, not all possess the artistic knowledge required for detailed cosmetic procedures. Therefore, it is critical to work with a surgeon who understands the entire underlying craniofacial structure and what constitutes aesthetic “beauty” in a harmonious interplay of facial features.
How Is a Chin Revision Surgery Procedure Performed?
There are several options for revision chin surgery, all of which will be discussed with you prior to your surgery. The chin may be moved forward, down, centered, widened, or narrowed depending on the specific problem and the outcome of the initial cosmetic procedure. If an implant was placed by a different surgeon during the previous surgery, that implant may need to be removed prior to any additional modifications. Dr. Deschamps-Braly will review any relevant medical records with you to ensure that you are comfortable with, and understand the chin revision process.
How Long Should I Wait Before Chin Revision Surgery?
It is important to allow the body time to heal from your previous surgery before considering chin revision surgery. Stitches, bruising, and swelling can make it difficult to realize the final results, especially if you have had chin implants placed by another surgeon. Once you are completely healed from your initial procedure, if you are still unsatisfied with the outcome, please contact our office to discuss chin revision surgery.
Why Should Your Chin Revision Surgeon Be “Us Board Certified”?
When choosing a plastic surgeon for your chin revision, it is critical that they are highly qualified, US Board Certified, and have extensive experience with genioplasty/mentoplasty. To ensure that your new chin is harmoniously balanced with your other facial features in a natural way, your surgeon must have an understanding for what constitutes a beautiful chin, as well as and sophisticated knowledge of the entire craniofacial structure.